WCA Module 11 - Troubleshooting


You will demonstrate your troubleshooting abilities in this module. There is a scenario that will help you think about how to help users solve their problems and some common questions that you might encounter when troubleshooting.

Key Goals

  • Gather information to streamline the troubleshooting efforts.
  • Check versions of mobile and web installations.
  • Upgrade devices properly.
  • Know when to escalate the problem.
  • Solve some of the typical problems.
  • Syncing problems - sync one survey at a time.
  • Search projects for specific survey records.


All of the information you will need to complete the following exercises can be found in the reference material at the bottom of this article.

  1. * Troubleshooting Report: Imagine a user cannot access a taxonomy list on their mobile device. Write up a problem report to send to customer service. Include all the relevant information about the user, project, company, level of severity, device, versions, and anything else you think will streamline the troubleshooting process. (See Project Documents for Troubleshooting Template)
  2. * What should you do before upgrading Wildnote on a mobile device?
  3. * Why would a user be missing Project Documents?
  4. * What steps would you take if a user cannot find a project on their device even though they had already performed a Sync All?
  5. * How would you help a customer find a survey they completed if they could only remember the answer to one of the survey questions? 
  6. * Submit a photo of the tool used for the previous question.


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