Gallery view is great for viewing your project's photos, videos, and documents. View your survey and location points in the Map view. And upload project documents to make them available in the field even when you are offline.
Access and Manage Photos, Videos, and Documents in the Gallery View
Watch how your photo management can be streamlined with Wildnote. From the Gallery you see all the photos that have been taken in any survey form for a particular project. From the gallery you can download individual photos, jump to the survey associated with the photo, bulk rename all the photos to help organize them. Wildnote renames the photos in by project name, survey name, survey date, and original filename. You can also bulk download your photos, or sync your photos directly to dropbox.
Viewing the Map Gallery and Utilizing Project Documents
When you click on the map gallery you will see pins on the map for points collected in project surveys. In the Documents view you can upload any documents that you would like the field crew to have access to while they are working offline collecting data. This is handy for reference documents such as specific project measures, maps, flora and fauna guides.