Use Wildnote to create the Tabular UT Site Report with tags, calculated fields, and an excel document to merge them all together.
The Utah tabular report can be created by exporting the tagged data from the Part A, Part B and Feature forms, and then copying it into the Excel template that will merge the data into one spreadsheet ready to submit.
All the required data has been tagged in the Wildnote library. Follow the following instructions to properly export the data from the project.
- Export 1: UT-01 Part A - Administrative Data. Choose export from the Project Data drop down menu. In the export list choose the Tabular export, and enter the following parameters:
- Select the UT-01 Part A - Administrative Data form,
- Enter the dates the data was collected,
- Filter Questions by the "tabular-export" tag
- check the "Use API Column Name instead of question text for column headers" box
- check the "Top-level data only" box
- Export 2: UT-02a Part B - Admin. Repeat above instructions for this form.
- Export 3: UT-05 Features. Repeat above instructions for this form.
Once you have export the 3 forms, open the UT Tabular template in Excel. If you don't have a copy of the template, email us at and we will send you a copy. Follow these instructions to copy/paste the data into the tabs:
1. Load the data from Part A, Part B, and Features exports into the corresponding tabs.-
- Copy all the data from the for Part A export using Ctrl-A, followed by Ctrl-C.
- Paste the data into the corresponding tab in the Tabular Template
- Add a filter to the top row by highlighting the row and pressing Ctrl-Shift-L.
- Use the filter to sort by Survey Location (column E).
- Repeat steps a, b, c, for Part B, and Features
- Populate the Survey Location manually
- Copy the Survey Location data from Part A and paste it into the first column in the first (merged) tab.
- Fill the columns on the Merged tab by dragging the formulas
- Start on cell B1 and drag over to the right until column AC which is highlighted in gray.
- Drag down to the level even with the last surveyLocation in column A.
- Start again on cell AC1 (Affiliate1) and drag over to the right until column AE which is highlighted in green.
- Drag down to the level even with the last surveyLocation in column A.
- Start one more time on cell AE2 (paRCH1)and drag over to the right until column AM which is the end of the green highlight.
- Drag down to the level even with the last surveyLocation in column A.
- Populate the DateRecord, and OrgCode manually
- Copy the SurveyDate data from the Part A tab and paste it into the DateRecord column on the Merged tab.
- On the Merged tab fill cell J2 of (OrgCode) with your company's code and drag down to the level even with the last survey Location in column A.
- Save the file.
- Check the quality of the data.
- Copy the data into a new spreadsheet by selecting everything on the “Merged” tab.
- From the Merged tab, Ctrl-A, CtrlC, to copy all the data
- Open the new spreadsheet and right-click Paste Special, and select Values only.
- Delete the SurveyLocation column (Column A).
- The data is ready to paste into the SHPO system.