Wildnote Wetland 6.0: Swift Entry + Swift Decisions = Swift Delivery

Detailed list of updates made to the Wetland 6.0 Product line (release date 12/16/2024)

Mobile Form Changes - Vegetation

Mobile Form Changes - Soil and Hydrology

Mobile Form Changes - General

New Auto-Calculations

Web App Changes

Export Changes

Bug Fixes

Auto-Calculation Differences by Platform


Simplified Mobile: Less Clutter, More Focus

Vegetation Section

  1. Filter Repeaters: To see only the relevant repeaters, first select your desired vegetation strata.
  2. Streamlined Plot Size Placement: Plot sizes have been moved to the top of the Vegetation section to reduce clutter and improve workflow efficiency.
  3. Simplified Indicator Status: The Indicator Status question is now directly below the Species in each vegetation strata and is automatically selected upon species selection (no manual saving required).
  4. Conditional Photo Option: The optional photo for each vegetation strata repeater is now hidden by default. It will appear only when "Other" or "Unknown" is selected from the taxonomy list.
  5. Low Cover Strata Alert: A helper text pop-up will appear when a strata has less than 5% cover to provide additional guidance.

Soil and Hydrology Section

  1. Target Specific Questions: Choose between "Matrix & Redox" or "Matrix" or "Redox" in the Soil Layer Description to display only the pertinent questions.
  2. Added Definitions: Definitions for Hydric Soil and Hydrology Indicators have been added to the small "i" icon next to each indicator.

General Form Improvements

  1. Consolidated Helper Text: All Wildnote Helper Text has been moved to a small "i" icon to remove visual clutter.
  2. Enhanced Data Quality Indicators: Visual indicators will highlight required data on both mobile and web platforms to improve data quality and consistency.
  3. Customizable Repeater Bar: To streamline your data entry process for surveys with many repeatable sections such as vegetation strata and soil layers, you can choose to display key answers directly in the repeater header bar. This provides a quick overview of the data within each repeated section, improving efficiency and clarity. We have set some pre-sets, but they can be modified by following this procedure.
  4. Clearer Calculated Fields: All calculated fields are now marked with a calculator icon and a light gray color for easy identification.

Auto-Calculated Fields for Better Data Consistency and Faster QA/QC

Summary of Findings

  1. Consistent Summary: The Summary of Findings answers are automatically calculated to ensure accuracy and consistency with the individual section answers.
  2. Automated "Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland?": This field is conditionally set based on the answers to the primary indicator questions. Three "Yes" answers will automatically result in a "Yes" for the wetland determination. Any "No" answer will result in a "No." User can override final answer.

Vegetation Section:

  1. Automatic Indicator Status: Indicator status is automatically filled in when a species is selected.
  1. Dynamic Calculations: Dominance Y/N, FAC-neutral, Rapid Test, and worksheet calculations are triggered as soon as percent cover is entered.
  2. Total Percent Cover By Strata: A new field has been added to calculate the total percent cover within each individual vegetation strata.
  3. Pre-filled Indicators: Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators are autofilled based on worksheet results.
  4. Hydrophytic Vegetation Determination: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present Y/N auto-checked based on Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators.

Soil Section:

  1. Hydric Soil Determination: Hydric Soil Present Y/N are automatically checked based on users selection of Hydric Soil Indicators.

Hydrology Section:

  1. Linked Primary and Field Observations: Checking Surface Water (A1), High Water Table (A2), or Saturation (A3) in Primary Indicators will automatically select "Yes" in the corresponding Field Observations questions.
  2. Wetland Hydrology Determination: Wetland Hydrology Y/N is automatically checked based on users selection of Hydrology Indicators.

Additional Calculation Notes:

  1. User Override: Users retain the ability to manually override the automated wetland determination if necessary.
  2. Platform-Specific Timing: Please note that the exact timing of calculations may vary slightly between different platforms.

WEB Changes for Easier Editing

  1. Real-Time Calculations: Calculations are performed in real-time as data is entered, providing immediate feedback and ensuring accuracy.
  2. New Design on Sticky Action Bar: Most actions are now bundled in a Drop Up menu called Actions. In Survey Edit, there are two new actions available : Run Calcs and Export
  3. Quick Data Export: A new Export button has been added to the survey edit view, allowing for rapid data export. Clicking this button will open the Export Preview in a new tab for easy access and side-by-side comparison.
  4. SAVE is no longer used to enact calculations: To trigger calculations, use the new Run Calcs button in the dropdown action bar. Anytime you override a Wildnote calculation, use the Run Calcs to recalculate all values.
  5. Automated Indicator Status: Indicator status is automatically filled in when a species is selected, saving time and reducing errors.
  6. Linked Sample Point Names: Sample Point names in the Export Preview are now clickable links, enabling quick navigation to the corresponding survey in the Survey Edit view for efficient QA and editing.
  7. Improved Species Search: The species search on the web has been refined to sort alphabetically by scientific species name for easier browsing and selection.
  8. Indicator Status Display: The indicator status is now displayed in parentheses within the taxonomy dropdown list on the web, matching the behavior on mobile devices.

NOTE: Because the web is now performing real time calculations, you may notice a slow down when moving from field to field.

Export Changes for More Clarity

  1. Form Updates for USACE Parity: Text changes were made to conform to the Automatic Data Sheets that the USACE released fall 2023. Every region had some changes to the Hydric Soil Indicators. In addition, the header of all regional forms was updated to match the USACE Automated Data Sheets.

  2. Clearer Disturbance and Problem Indicators: The export will now clearly indicate "Yes" or "No" for the questions "Are vegetation, soil, or hydrology significantly disturbed?" and "Are vegetation, soil, or hydrology naturally problematic?" Previously, blank fields indicated "No" and "X" indicated "Yes."

  3. Maximized Remarks Space: The Remarks fields have been optimized to utilize all available space, preventing truncation of text..

  4. Improved Vegetation Export Sorting: The vegetation data is now sorted by percent cover during the export process, with the highest percentage listed first.

Bug Fixes

  • If there are no plants, no Hydrophytic Indicators are checked.
  • If an individual strata has less than 5% overall cover, species in that strata are marked as non-dominant
  • Removed NI from the soil color list
  • Fixed formatting of soil color list

How calculations work on each platform:

iOS: Indicator Status change (from override or species change) and percent cover change triggers calculations, and clicking DONE on number keypad percent cover change triggers the calculations. SAVE does still run all calcs. Delete repeater also triggers calcs. Reveal/Hide of strata does not trigger calcs.
Android: Only percent cover change triggers calculations. Indicator Status change (from override or species change) does NOT. Clicking DONE on keypad on percent cover change triggers calculations. User will have to click SAVE or next time they update percent cover the calcs will run. Delete repeater also triggers calcs. Reveal/Hide of strata does not trigger calcs.
Web: Indicator Status change( from override or species change) and percent cover change triggers calculations. Tabbing out of the percent cover field triggers calculation. Run Calcs will run calcs as fallback. SAVE does NOT run calcs server side any longer. However, a change from EG does have to run server side calcs. Delete repeater also triggers calcs. Reveal/Hide of strata does not trigger calcs.