Keep up to date on exciting new features and bug fixes to the Wildnote Android Mobile App.
Version 3.2(950) (Released 2024-12-19)
🎉New Features and Improvements:
Wetland 6.0: See this article for details.
Version 3.1(901) (Released 2024-11-05)
Performance Improvements: Added a visual indicator for tapping to expand/collapse letting the user know that that symbol has been tapped. Added visual indicator to taxonomy selection letting the user know that a taxon has been selected. Improved logic for when to run calculations.
Version 3.0 (Released 2024-10-31)
Target SDK: Android required a target SDK upgrade in order to keep publishing new updates to the app. As a part of this upgrade, Wildnote is no longer supporting Android SDK 28 and 29. This means that users with phones that are on this SDK will no longer be able to update their app.
Version 2.7.0(864) (Released 2024-10-03)
🎉New Features:
Repeater Bar Header Customization: Users can choose what information to display in the repeater bar header when repeaters are collapsed. Excludes certain question types such as long text, point/line/polygon, counter, etc. To display data from a question within a repeater in the repeater's header, simply check the 'Display data in repeater header' box in the form builder.
Version 2.6.3(861) (Released 2024-09-30)
🐞Bug Fix:
Expand All: Fixed bug causing a crash when trying to Expand All sections and repeaters
Version 2.6.2(857) (Released 2024-09-25)
Helper i Icon: Display helper i icon on sections
Scrolling on helper text: add scrolling to helper text window for long text inputs
Wetland Calculations: Automatically set indicator status when taxon is selected.
Wetland Munsell Color Display: Fixed mobile display view for munsell soil colors
🐞Bug Fix:
Wetland Calculations: Don't set prevalence if total % cover = 0
Wetland 4 or 5 Strata: If user starts with 5 strata and changes to 4 strata, disregard data contained in Sapling and Shrub repeaters.
Version (Released 2024-09-18)
🐞Bug Fix:
Taxon Search Crash: Fixed bug when user chooses a taxon, leaves app, and comes back to select more taxon, the app would quit.
Version 2.6.0(840) (Released 2024-09-10)
Deselect Radio Button Answer: Added ability to deselect a radio button once chosen.
Back Arrow: The back arrow allows users to discard data without saving it. Note: The back arrow works differently on iOS vs. Android. On iOS, all data additions or changes are saved except when discarding a brand new survey.
Delete Survey Changes: You can now delete a survey when you are in the survey from the 3-dot menu. You can still delete a survey by swiping left on the survey name and choosing the trashcan icon.
3-Dot Menu Changes within a Survey: Added Exit Survey and Delete Survey and removed Sign Out.
First Repeater Expand: When starting a new survey, the first repeater will be presented in an expanded state showing all questions.
Expand Section Changes: When expanding a Section that contains Repeaters, all repeaters will be expanded.
Removed Delete Survey Restriction: Users can delete a Survey while the sync is occuring.
Show Survey ID within the Survey: Users can now see the Survey ID then they are in a survey.
Repeater Details in Go To Menu: Added back the ability to see all repeaters in the Go To menu.
Taxonomy Search: Updated the way that taxonomy search returns and stores results within a survey making species selections easier.
Password Toggle from Hidden to View: Implemented eye icon to touch to view password.
Updated User Interface: Updated language relating to starting a new survey and previously collected data for clarity.
🐞Bug Fix:
Double Tap on Section/Repeater: Fixed bug where users had to double tap on a Section/Repeater to open it.
Taxon Display in Go To Menu: Fixed bug that was not displaying taxonomy correctly in the Go To menu.
No Forms: Fixed but where no forms were showing after a sync completed.
Project Name in Survey Edit: Fixed bug with display of long project names.
Survey Status: Fixed bug that prevented the Survey Status from saving under certain condition.
Version 2.5.2(803) (Released 2024-02-21)
🎉New Features:
Survey Edit: Added ability to delete the first repeater.
Version 2.5.1(801) (Released 2023-12-12)
🐞Bug Fix:
App Crash: Fixed bug causing a crash.
Version 2.5.0(800) (Released 2023-10-16)
🐞Bug Fix:
Photo: Fixed bug on Android 13 devices that was not allowing users to choose a photo from the gallery.
Photo: Fixed bug that caused crashing with landscape photos by refactoring the camera capture code.
General: Upgraded to target SDK33 and Java 11.
Version 2.4.22(740) (Released 2023-07-06)
Photos: Added multi-line display for photo captions.