Android Mobile Release Notes

Keep up to date on exciting new features and bug fixes to the Wildnote Android Mobile App.

Version 2.5.2(803) (Released 2024-02-21)

🎉New Features:



Deselect Radio Button Answer: Added ability to deselect a radio button once chosen.

Back Arrow: The back arrow allows users to discard data without saving it. Note: The back arrow works differently on iOS vs. Android. On iOS, all data additions or changes are saved except when discarding a brand new survey.

Delete Survey Changes: You can now delete a survey when you are in the survey from the 3-dot menu. You can still delete a survey by swiping left on the survey name and choosing the trashcan icon.

3-Dot Menu Changes within a Survey: Added Exit Survey and Delete Survey and removed Sign Out.

First Repeater Expand: When starting a new survey, the first repeater will be presented in an expanded state showing all questions.

Expand Section Changes: When expanding a Section that contains Repeaters, all repeaters will be expanded.

Removed Delete Survey Restriction: Users can delete a Survey while the sync is occuring.

Show Survey ID within the Survey: Users can now see the Survey ID then they are in a survey.

Repeater Details in Go To Menu: Added back the ability to see all repeaters in the Go To menu.

Taxonomy Search: Updated the way that taxonomy search returns and stores results within a survey making species selections easier.

Password Toggle from Hidden to View: Implemented eye icon to touch to view password.

Updated User Interface: Updated language relating to starting a new survey and previously collected data for clarity.

🐞Bug Fix:

Double Tap on Section/Repeater: Fixed bug where users had to double tap on a Section/Repeater to open it.

Taxon Display in Go To Menu: Fixed bug that was not displaying taxonomy correctly in the Go To menu.

No Forms: Fixed but where no forms were showing after a sync completed.

Project Name in Survey Edit: Fixed bug with display of long project names.

Survey Status: Fixed bug that prevented the Survey Status from saving under certain condition.


🎉New Features:

Survey Edit: Added ability to delete the first repeater.

Version 2.5.1(801) (Released 2023-12-12)

🐞Bug Fix:

App Crash: Fixed bug causing a crash.

Version 2.5.0(800) (Released 2023-10-16)

🐞Bug Fix:

Photo: Fixed bug on Android 13 devices that was not allowing users to choose a photo from the gallery. 

Photo: Fixed bug that caused crashing with landscape photos by refactoring the camera capture code.

General: Upgraded to target SDK33 and Java 11.

Version 2.4.22(740) (Released 2023-07-06)


Photos: Added multi-line display for photo captions.